
Your donations will greatly help us. All your donations will be used accordingly to support our ongoing programs in the field. Here are a few ways you can donate to Divers Clean Action (Yayasan Penyelam Lestari Indonesia).

If you are an


You can directly make a donation through our QR code or Paypal like in the individual section. But, we offer a bigger and even better collaboration opportunity if your institution (i.e. private company, group, organization, etc.) wishes to do more for the ocean such as doing ecotrips, plant coral reefs and mangroves, do workshop with our beneficiaries, open eco friendly stores, and many more. Click this link below to view our partnership proposals and contact us through email to arrange a collaboration. 


If you represent an


You can directly make a donation through our QR code or Paypal like in the individual section. But, we offer a bigger and even better collaboration opportunity if your institution (i.e. private company, group, organization, etc.) wishes to do more for the ocean such as doing ecotrips, plant coral reefs and mangroves, do workshop with our beneficiaries, open eco friendly stores, and many more. Click this link below to view our partnership proposals and contact us through email to arrange a collaboration. 

Thank you on behalf on our beneficiares and our oceans for your help! 


"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" - Aesop

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